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Myers Reduction Chem 115 Harvard University. H N N H O F H3C CH3 O CO2CH3 OTBS O2N O O CH3 Br CO2H H H N N H O H3C CH3 O OTBS O2N OH F CO2H HN SO2 CH2OH HN SO2 O O CH3 Br CH2OTHP H Mark G. Charest, Fan Liu Lithium Borohydride: LiBH4 • Lithium borohydride is commonly used for Myers Reduction Chem 115 Harvard University. H N N H O F H3C CH3 O CO2CH3 OTBS O2N O O CH3 Br CO2H H H N N H O H3C CH3 O OTBS O2N OH F CO2H HN SO2 CH2OH HN SO2 O O CH3 Br CH2OTHP H Mark G. Charest, Fan Liu Lithium Borohydride: LiBH4 • Lithium borohydride is commonly used for method reducing ep0366823b1



